A Grief Share grief support group for people grieving the death of a loved one is starting soon at St. John’s Church.
Please join us Tuesdays starting Sept 17th 2024; 1:00 – 2:30 PM.
Also, join us for a special session:
Loss of a Spouse – Sept 10, 1 PM
At Grief Share you’ll watch a weekly video with counsel and insights from respected grief experts and relatable personal stories—followed by a time of sharing and support. Session topics include what’s normal in grief; how to handle difficult emotions; and what to do with regrets, questions, and worries.
For more information, contact Pastor Linda Kreitz (610) 392-0005 or visit griefshare.org.
The program runs for 13 weeks…but feel free to attend as many meetings that fit your schedule. If you didn’t have time to sign up, please still drop by at the above times – you are always welcome.
Griefshare Leadership Team
Pastor Bob Keiderling
Pastor Linda Kreitz
Eileen Alpaugh